Sermon summaries and audio files
Eckardtesian Thought: I think, therefore I write . . .
5/30/2021 0 Comments The Holy TrinityThe three Persons of the Godhead are evident throughout Scripture, in the term "God," in the three Men visiting Abraham and Sarah, in the angels of Isaiah's vision calling to one another, "Holy, holy, holy." And they are evident in the three parts of our Creed as well, on Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification. Yet although they be three, and although the eternal Source is the Father, the heart of the Trinity, so-to-speak, is the Second Person, the Word. For by the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and before he spake and it was done, there was only formlessness and void. And this is why the egregious error of Adam was to reject the Word; and in so doing he himself was emptied, and became, as it were, formless and void. But the word of the Lord endureth forever, and thus he became flesh, and dwelt among us, and was sacrificed for us, and redeemed the fallen world by his death. But as the word is eternal, he could not be destroyed, so he rose again (on the third day!) and presented himself alive to his disciples. Yet the world remained in the darkness and void of ignorance and unbelief. So the Word gave his word to his disciples and sent them into all the world to preach and enlighten darkened souls, and cause them to be reborn and new creations. See how we need the Word and cannot live without him, and his words we must receive with gladness, lest we ourselves be formless and void. O Nicodemus! You cannot approach him at night, or in the void of your own understanding. Receive him, both in preaching and in his form in the Sacrament. Turn from formlessness and void to him, and so live in him forever. Sermon for Trinity Sunday. Video is here.
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