Sermon summaries and audio files
Eckardtesian Thought: I think, therefore I write . . .
The mystery of the Incarnation is expressed beautifully by the title Mother of God as a designation for the Blessed Virgin. By this title the false teachers were called out, who could not say this. But we affirm it because she, the mother of Jesus, must also be the mother of God for the simple reason that Jesus is one Person, and that since this is so, everything that can be said about him as man must be said about him who is God. Mary bore God, Mary made soup for God, Mary held God on her lap, Mary nursed God. Indeed because the man Jesus died for us, therefore our God died for us. In this is the mystery of our salvation. And let us therefore regard motherhood as the greatest of callings, for without it not only would the world not continue, but we could not be saved. And let us likewise rejoice with Mary who held God in her womb, for we receive his Body and Blood in the Supper, and therefore also hold him within us. Sermon for the Dormition B.V.M. The video is here.
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