5/7/2020 May 2020St. Paul’s Evangelical-Lutheran Church
109 S. Elm, Kewanee, Illinois 61443 Newsletter Volume 32 May 2020 No. 5 New arrangement for worship at St. Paul’s to begin Sunday, April 26th AN UPDATE APPEARS IN THIS ARTICLE Beloved, most of you are now aware of our next step toward normalization of worship here. I have been in contact with the CID president and other Illinois pastors about this plan, to be assured that it is within the government’s guidelines. This is still less than ideal, but it’s a step. As of Sunday, April 26th, we begin celebrations of the Service of the Sacrament in groups of ten or less, by invitation only. Due to the small size of our parish, I do not expect this to be too taxing on my own schedule. We will practice social distancing and employ other special instructions. Beginning Sunday, April 26th, the Service of the Sacrament is scheduled for Sundays and Wednesdays: 1) Early Service: Sunday at 8:30 a.m. 2) Late Service: Sunday at 10:30 a.m. 3) Midweek Service: Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. UPDATE: Beginning the week of Sunday, May 17th, there will be four scheduled masses during the week. The schedule varies, however. The week of May 17th is the week which includes Ascension Day, a Thursday. The week of May 24th includes the Vigil of Pentecost. The schedule for the week of May 17th is as follows: 1) Early Service: Sunday May 17th at 8:30 a.m. 2) Late Service: Sunday May 17th at 10:30 a.m. 3) First Ascension Service: Wednesday May 20th at 7:00 p.m. 4) Second Ascension Service: Thursday May 21st at 7:00 p.m. The schedule for the week of May 24th is as follows: 1) Early Service: Sunday May 24th at 8:30 a.m. 2) Late Service: Sunday May 24th at 10:30 a.m. 3) Midweek Service: Wednesday May 27th at 7:00 p.m. 4) Vigil of Pentecost Service: Saturday May 30th at 5:30 p.m. All attendance must be by invitation. Most invitations have already been sent for the next two weeks. If you do no have one but would like one, please contact me by phone or email or text to request one.No member who wants to receive the Sacrament will be denied, but there will must be some shuffling of invitations and delays as weeks draw on. IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT SHOW UP WITHOUT AN INVITATION! If I have not indicated to you that you have an invitation, our compliance with government recommendations may require us to turn you away, sadly. If too many want to come at any given time, some random selections are made. If you do not get your first choice, you will have a better chance of getting preference the next week, etc. If you indicate that you would like to come on Sunday and Wednesday, invitation will depend on availability. Also, I plan to continue live streaming the 8:30 am Sunday mass, and hopefully to do the same for Wednesday night. Hopefully these temporary plans will continue to give way to better options soon, until we are all back together again. We look for the mercy of Almighty God to put an end to this extraordinary situation soon. +Pastor Eckardt Instructions upon your arrival at church (these will be posted at the church as well) If you have any symptoms of illness, please do not come. If for any reason you cannot come, please let me know as soon as you can, so that someone on standby may take your place. Please enter by the ramp. The front doors of the church will remain locked. Please maintain 6-foot distancing between families. The offering plate will be on a table by the ramp. Families or individuals: Please take your seat(s) with at least a pew between others or at least six feet from someone in the same pew. THANK YOU for your willing cooperation. We will get through this together, by the grace of God. Newsletter abridgments Due to the unusual situation of state and federal recommendations during the Coronavirus outbreak, this newsletter is abridged, mostly to make it available on time. Certain formatting matters are not in place. Committee meetings are cancelled for May; ushers are not scheduled; etc. There is no calendar provided for this month, but the following things are noted: Worship will be according to the weekly schedule on page one, until further notice (hopefully soon) May 4th is the Third Sunday after Easter May 11th is the Fourth Sunday after Easter May 18th is the Fifth Sunday after Easter May 22nd is Ascension Day May 25th is the Sixth Sunday after Easter May 31st is Pentecost Sunday May Birthdays 5/2 Sheri Kraklow 5/6 Emilie Ricknell 5/10 Bill Thompson May Anniversaries 5/17/1959 Allan and Barbra Kraklow 5/28/1982 Christine and Garry Erickson 5/28/1977 John and Charlene Sovanski In Our Prayers Our list of prayer intentions at mass includes the names on the lists below. To update the lists please inform pastor. in our parish: Emilie Ricknell, John Ricknell, Linda Rowe, Emmy Wear, Sue Murphy, Don Murphy, Dick Melchin, DeAnne Anderson, Bea Harris, Allan Kraklow, Jim Watson, Dana McReynolds, Carol McReaynolds Sandra VerPlaetse, Mary Hamilton beyond our parish: Anna Rutowicz [granddaughter of Harrises] Katy Rutowicz [granddaughter of Harrises] Jody Rutowicz [Harrises’ daughter] Julie Ross [Svetlana Meaker’s daughter] Elizabeth Godke, Sharon Field’s mother Brandt and Oneda Hendrickson [Ricknells’ relatives] Helen Woods [Sue Murphy’s sister] Janice Hart [Judy Thompson’s sister] Caleb Cleaver [Ricknells’ grandson] Dennis Hoag [Adam Shreck’s father-in-law] Sue Harris [Steve Harris’s sister-in-law] Nancy Callahan [Don Murphy’s sister] Rachel Smith [Emmy Wear’s cousin] Yvette Baker [Dale’s daughter-in-law] Warren Williams [relative of the Kemerlings] Bud Harfst [Sue Murphy’s brother] Tony Stoner [friend of the Murphys] Theresa Moore [Ricknells’ niece] Carol Grigsby [friend of Jewneel Walker] Tim Newman [Kemerling relation] Melinda Fisa [Kemerling relation] Kathy Boeger [re Harrises] Allison Leezer [relative of the Kraklows] Christopher Lewis [relative of the Eckardts] Sandra Eppely [relative of the Murhys] in the military: John Eckardt Donny Appleman [at request of the Ricknells] Richard Heiden [at request of the Eckardts] Luke Van Landigan [grandson of Dick Melchin] Jaclyn Alvarez [daughter of Kris Harden] Eli Wetzel Traven Wetzel Shawn Wetzel Eric Verplaetse [Sandra’s grandson] Jake Mahaffey Trevor Shimmin in trouble: especially regarding the spread of diseased any unborn children in danger of abortion those suffering from unrest, persecution, and imprisonment in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Nigeria, India, China, Vietnam, North Korea, and elsewhere. St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church 109 S. Elm Street Kewanee, IL 61443 Comments are closed.
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