3/25/2021 April 2021Volume 33 April 2021 No. 4
A Passion Sermon by Melito of Sardis (excerpts) Melito was a prominent second-century bishop and spokesman for Christianity in Sardis, Lydia (now Turkey). He died in A.D. 190. The ancient historian Eusebius lists the titles of twenty of his books, but only a fragment of them remain. This homily On Pascha (the Passion of our Lord) was only found on a papyrus discovery, first published in 1940, and fully published in 1960. - Pastor Eckardt If you wish to see the mystery of the Lord, look at Abel who is likewise slain, at Isaac who is likewise tied up, at Joseph who is likewise traded, at Moses who is likewise exposed, at David who is likewise hunted down, at the prophets who likewise suffer for the sake of Christ. And look at the sheep, slaughtered in the land of Egypt, which saved Israel through its blood whilst Egypt was struck down. . . . He is the one led like a lamb and slaughtered like a sheep; he ransomed us from the worship of the world as from the land of Egypt, and he set us free from the slavery of the devil as from the hand of Pharaoh, and sealed our souls with his own spirit, and the members of our body with his blood. This is the one who clad death in shame and, as Moses did to Pharaoh, made the devil grieve. This is the one who struck down lawlessness and made injustice childless, as Moses did to Egypt. This is the one who delivered us from slavery to freedom, from darkness into light, from death into life, from tyranny into an eternal Kingdom, and made us a new priesthood, and a people everlasting for himself. This is the Pascha of our salvation: this is the one who in many people endured many things. This is the one who was murdered in Abel, tied up in Isaac, exiled in Jacob, sold in Joseph, exposed in Moses, slaughtered in the lamb, hunted down in David, dishonored in the prophets. This is the one made flesh in a virgin, who was hanged on a tree, who was buried in the earth, who was raised from the dead, who was exalted to the heights of heaven. This is the lamb slain, this is the speechless lamb, this is the one born of Mary the fair ewe, this is the one taken from the flock, and led to slaughter. Who was sacrificed in the evening, and buried at night; who was not broken on the tree, who was not undone in the earth, who rose from the dead and resurrected humankind from the grave below. -- Melito of Sardis (a.d. 160-170), On Pascha, par. 59-60, 67-71. Passion Readings during Holy Week As is our usual custom, there will be readings of the Passion accounts from St. Matthew on Palm Sunday, St. Luke on Holy Wednesday, and Good Friday. These readings involve the participation of the congregation, which is reminiscent of a common choral practice during Reformation times. The subdeacon reads the narrator’s part, the pastor reads the part of Christ, and the congregation reads the parts of groups or crowds of people. These readings are found in special booklets which are handed out with the bulletins. Holy Week and Easter Masses Holy Monday through Good Friday, at 7 p.m. Great Vigil: Saturday, April 3rd, at 7 p.m. Easter Sunrise Mass: April 4th, at 7 a.m. (Easter breakfast following) Easter Midweek Mass: Wednesday, April 7th, at 7 p.m. Confirmation Examination Our confirmand Sarah Kraklow is to be examined in Bible Class on Sunday, March 28th. Sarah has already demonstrated her knowledge of the catechism, having been in class for many years. She now will have the opportunity to show the people who come to class on Sunday morning. The Triduum Sacrum The Triduum Sacrum (holy three days) are the deepest point of Lent, giving way all at once to Easter. It starts on Maundy Thursday with mass at 7 p.m. There is no benediction for this service, as it is understood to continue on Good Friday and until the Great Vigil. As soon as the last part of the Maundy Thursday mass is sung (the Benedicamus: V: Bless we the Lord. R: Thanks be to God), the pastor and subdeacon remove their sacramental vestments while the choir sings a psalm. They then strip the altar, pulpit, and lectern of all their paraments, remove the reserved Sacrament, take out the torches, and leave the sanctuary bare. Following the congregational singing of another psalm, all depart in silence. On Good Friday, there is an opportunity to pray the Litany at 12 noon, the hour of crucifixion. Then at 7 pm is the Good Friday Solemn Liturgy with Holy Communion. On Holy Saturday, the third day, the Great Vigil commences at 7 p.m. with a newly lit fire outside (near the kitchen doors), from which the new paschal candle is lit. The congregation follows into the church in procession. The Vigil is in four parts, the first three of which anticipate Easter: the Service of Light, the Service of Readings, the Service of Baptismal Remembrance. And then comes part four, when the lights go up, the pastor wears his white chasuble, and he announces, “Alleluia! Christ is Risen!” to which all robustly reply, “He is risen indeed! Alleluia!” This is an ancient versicle and response dating to the early church. It is still used around the world, in virtually all languages. Congratulations Sarah Kraklow Sarah Kraklow is scheduled to be confirmed at the Vigil of Easter, April 3rd. Congratulations, Sarah! Easter Lilies There’s a sign-up sheet in the back of the gym. Cost. $15.00 apiece Easter Hats Ladies, remember our hats tradition! Easter is the time to wear your best, and if you are able, set it off with a handsome hat! And by all means, leave them on for the Easter breakfast. April Birthdays 4/3 Adam Shreck 4.14 Emmy Wear 4/19 Luke Wells 4/22 Grant Andreson 4/25 Mason Dooley In Our Prayers Our list of prayer intentions at mass includes the names on the lists below. To update the lists please inform pastor. in our parish: Emilie Ricknell, John Ricknell, Linda Rowe, Emmy Wear, Don Murphy, Dick Melchin, Bea Harris, Allan Kraklow, Sandra VerPlaetse, John Sovanski, Tara Wagenknecht, and Grant Andreson and beyond our parish: Anna Rutowicz [granddaughter of Harrises] Katy Rutowicz [granddaughter of Harrises] Jody Rutowicz [Harrises’ daughter] Julie Ross [Svetlana Meaker’s daughter] Elizabeth Godke [Sharon Field’s mother] Oneida Hendrickson [Ricknell relative] Janice Hart [Judy Thompson’s sister] Caleb Cleaver [Ricknells’ grandson] Dennis Hoag [Adam Shreck’s father-in-law] Rachel Smith [Emmy Wear’s cousin] Matthew and Yvette Baker [Dale’s son and wife] Theresa Moore [Ricknells’ niece] Tim Newman [Kemerling relation] Kathy Boeger [re Harrises] Allison Leezer [relative of the Kraklows] Floretta Reynolds [Jim Watson’s aunt] Roger Wear [Emmy’s father] Bud Harfst [Sue Murphy’s brother] Everly Stoner, great grandchild of the Murphys Dieter Michaelsen Marvin Brown Glenda Wallace [relative of the Murphys] in the military: John Eckardt Donny Appleman [at request of the Ricknells] Richard Heiden [at request of the Eckardts] Luke Van Landigan [grandson of Dick Melchin] Jaclyn Alvarez [daughter of Kris Harden] Traven Wetzel [at request of Kris Harden] Eli Wetzel Eric Verplaetse [Sandra’s grandson] Jake Mahaffey Trevor Shimmin in trouble: especially any unborn children in danger of abortion those suffering from unrest, persecution, and imprisonment in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Kenya, Sudan, Nigeria, China, Vietnam, North Korea, and elsewhere Easter Preparations 1) Volunteers needed to help with Spring cleaning on Saturdays at 9 am. 2) Extra volunteers needed to help with Easter Breakfast preparations on Holy Saturday, April 3rd, beginning at 9 am. First, we need volunteers to help with preparations on Holy Saturday, 3) Items you are bringing for the breakfast. See the sign-up sheet in the gym. Everybody may bring something, but sign up for something in particular, so we don’t have everyone bringing the same thing. 4) Easter lilies: find a sign-up sheet in the narthex or on the table in the hall. $15 each. 5) Choir members, please make an extra effort to come to any remaining rehearsals. 6) Ladies, remember your hats! 7) Invite your families! 8) Let us know you’re coming! April Anniversary 4/13/2002 Steve and Sheri Kraklow Shut ins Emilie Ricknell at home. Dick Melchin at Hammond-Henry extended care in Geneseo. Emmy Wear at Williamsfield retirement home. Dale Baker, during the winter, at home. Bea Harris, when unable to get out, at home. Grant Andreson, at Park Vista in East Moline. First Tuesday meetings Our First Tuesday meetings are scheduled for April 6th: Alter Guild at 6 pm, Elders at 7:15 pm, and First Tuesday Vespers between them, for all to attend, at 6:45 pm. Pastor and Carol to Visit San Diego Pastor and Carol are planning a brief getaway vacation to San Diego this month, partly to do some Gottesdienst business while there. This trip is planned for Monday to Friday, April 19th – 23rd. He’ll always have his cell phone at hand, so if you need to call, don’t hesitate. Church Council to Meet Wednesday, April 28th The monthly meeting of the Council is postponed one week, due to Pastor’s planned trip during the third week of April (see below). The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 28th, at the usual 5:30 time. Robin Sighting The winner of this year’s robin sighting contest is Andy Eckardt of Oregon (Illinois), who saw one on Sunday, March 7th. The eligibility is limited to people in Illinois extending as far south as Peoria. Andy is to receive the prize of an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii. Maybe. Our list of winners: 2021 Andy Eckardt 2020 Michele Keehner 2019 Steve Kraklow 2018 Steve Kraklow 2017 Barbra Kraklow 2016 Judy Thompson 2015 Carol Eckardt 2014 Michele Keehner April Ushers Jim Hornback, Otis Anderson, Bill Thompson. Altar Guild Notes Our April meeting is scheduled for April 4th
Always check supplies. When wine supply gets low (when the second to the last bottle is opened), please inform Pastor. When the supply of hosts gets low (when the last sleeve is opened), please inform Judy. The Lighter Side There was a certain church whose pastor was known for his characteristic fire-and-brimstone preaching. Every week this church’s marquee would post the title of his sermon for the upcoming Sunday. At the bottom of the marquee there was always a little tag “Come hear our choir!” thus highlighting the fine music of this congregation. One week this practice did not work out so well, however, and it led to some double-takes when passers-by read it. Sunday’s message: DO YOU KNOW WHAT HELL IS? Come hear our choir! St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Church 109 S. Elm Street Kewanee, IL 61443 Comments are closed.
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