Sermon summaries and audio files
Eckardtesian Thought: I think, therefore I write . . .
Certain Greeks wanted to see Jesus, but his reply was that the Son of man would be glorified. Then he prayed to his Father, Glorify thy name. And the Father replied directly from heaven, like thunder, reminiscent of the thundering when he had spoken to Moses, saying that he had already glorified it, and that he would glorify it again. For this was a reason for the raising of Lazarus which had just occurred. It showed in no uncertain terms that Jesus is the Son of God, for he even raises the dead with his own voice. It vindicates Jesus, and therefore glorifies the Father in whose name he had come. But here he promises to glorify his name again, for now Jesus himself will die and be raised from the dead, the ultimate vindication of all that he said, and unassailably a demonstration that he is indeed the Son of God. This, then, is how one truly sees Jesus, by this faith. Sermon for Holy Monday. The video is here.
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